Business Insurance offers end to end Risk Management Services to Provide a Safety net to your Business & Company from different types of threats, tragedies & unforeseen events etc. Any business organisation into any business which requires financial Risk Management should have Business Insurance Solutions.

Types of Business:

  • Partnership firm.
  • Pvt Companies.
  • Retail Stores.
  • Wholesalers.
  • Distributors.
  • Manufacturing Units.


All Businesses have various types of Risks involved in business and this can trigger financial losses to the organisation. Business Insurance is a type of Insurance that provides coverage to the company against any damage such as thefts, natural Calamities, Death of key Person, Death of key Employee, Employees Sickness, death or injuries. If any one or more events occur then this can cause huge financial losses to the Business. Sometimes even businesses can go for complete windup or shutdown due to severe financial crises. Hence buying appropriate Business Insurance against such kinds of Risks is a must for any Business organisation.

Benefits of Business Insurance:

  • Risk Management.
  • Safeguard from Natural Hazard.
  • Third Party Liability.
  • Employee Retention.
  • Employee benefits.
  • Key Person Risk Coverage.